
96 Movie Reviews

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Really fantastic little short. Oh hey- I've known you a long time now and I just gotta say you're allowed to be proud of your work, even if it didn't come out how you wanted it! Do't be too hard on yourself man, I'm excited to see what comes next.

DampOwl responds:

You're too kind bruh, thanks <3

Thank you so much for lending your voice to this, can't wait to make more!

No. Just no.

I remember how much fun it was to make this. And it came out great. Shame it was never continued...

I know I was really hard you guys last time around for audio mixing, but I don't have that problem with this latest one. In fact, this was amazing. Really, really high quality.

Great story, and very impressive art style. Well done.

2.5 stars for decent animation. Also, it probably took a very long time to get all of that audio and splice it together. Unfortunately, I've never found the Game Grumps funny. Especially considering half of this video was nothing more than a bunch of incomprehensible screaming and unintelligent profanity. Which is Game Grumps in a nutshell.

So I'll give you the benefit of the hard work it took to make this, but nothing more.

I sincerely don't think you guys are going to raise $10,000 for this. I didn't even really know what this was advertising. If I pay you money, I get to use your music and art in my own work? Why would I use your stuff when I could simply make my own?

It seems like all I'd be getting out of this is ripped off. You want to raise money? Go to Kickstarter. Offer me something valuable, like I dunno... a playable download of your previous games. I don't see any value in some ABC sprites and source code for a program I don't use or own, coupled with some unoriginal background music.

In reply to Gandwana below me, I'd like to point out that Egoraptor and Oney don't need you to defend them, and animators these days do not purposefully seek to rip them off. They aren't the Gods of humor, nor did they invent this style of commentary. So shut up.

In reply to the video, I thought it was actually pretty good. It was similar to things we've seen before, but different enough to be entertaining.

Yeah, I've met that girl before, too. Seems innocent enough, but then you actually get to know her and are surprised at the truth.

I'm loving this series. The animation is a bit rough around the edges, but as a second-semester college freshman I definitely see where the main character is coming from.

Oh my god, how true this is. Great animation man- I've certainly been here before.

I'm a voice actor, I'm a writer. I even make music sometimes.

Age 30, Male


Joined on 6/16/10

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